The wmAlertdialog component defines the alertdialog widget.
Methods |
Inputs |
onOk | ||||||||||||
onOk($event: MouseEvent, widget: any)
Callback function which will be triggered when the ok button for the dialog is clicked.
Parameters :
Returns :
onOpen | ||||||||||||
onOpen($event: MouseEvent, widget: any)
Callback function which will be triggered when the dialog is opened.
Parameters :
Returns :
alerttype |
Type : string
Default value : 'error'
This property defines the alerttype of the alertdialog widget. Allowed Values: |
animation |
Type : string
Default value : ''
This property specifies the animation applied to the alertdialog widget. Allowed Values: |
closable |
Type : boolean
Default value : true
This property specifies if the dialog will have the close icon in header or not |
iconclass |
Type : string
Default value : 'wi wi-warning'
This property sets the icon for dialog header. Bindable: |
iconheight |
Type : string
This property sets the icon height for icon in dialog header. |
iconmargin |
Type : string
This property sets the icon margin for icon in dialog header. |
iconurl |
Type : string
This property sets the url for icon in dialog header. Bindable: |
iconwidth |
Type : string
This property sets the icon width for icon in dialog header. |
message |
Type : string
Default value : 'I am an alert box!'
This property specifies the message for the alertdialog widget. Bindable: |
modal |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
This property specifies if the dialog should behave as a modal or not |
name |
Type : string
Name of the alertdialog widget. |
oktext |
Type : string
Default value : 'OK'
This property specifies the ok button text for the alertdialog widget. Bindable: |
tabindex |
Type : number
Default value : 0
This property specifies the tab order of the alertdialog Widget. |
title |
Type : string
Default value : 'Alert'
This property specifies the title for the alertdialog widget. Bindable: |